
We provide the Platform to introduce your startup to your target market along with providing expert technical support, market insights, investor access & many more.

If this is what you are looking for, 

Our Startups Network

Ventured Startups

We are a credible strategic partner for budding entrepreneurs. We have helped numerous tech startups find significant market success with influential technical assistance, market insights, and investor access.

We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.

Neemacademy provides interactive content with innovative learning methods. Through a fun learning environment, we focus on the mental and academic growth of students.

Our telehealth services increase efficiency in the healthcare sector by incorporating modern digital technology to help connect patients with doctors and health facilities.

Pepal implies proven and practical HR concepts for a complete human resource management, allowing you to focus on your most valuable asset — "the people."

We connect food to foodies. Our food ordering platform also allows the FnB industry to digitize their operations while maintaining utmost food hygiene with our contact less feature.

Our e-commerce platform Contentder, comprises features that gives your business a competitive edge over your competitors allowing brand expansion, and global selling

Startup Support

Ideas run the world. But ideas implemented through proper planning makes all the difference. Find a support system to nurture your ideas and find the right tool to implement them with Brainnovation Ventures. 

We encourage innovative minds to develop projects to bring about positive impacts on society. Brainnovation Ventures provides technical, marketing, and access to funding to support such entrepreneurs.

We value Startups as much as we value our business


Find a purpose for your project with our business accelerator program. We provide all the right tools, mentorship, and training to entrepreneurs to develop and market their products.


Are you looking for a temporary space? We have several business enterprises in our network willing to provide working space for a short period.


Find a purpose for your project with our business accelerator program. We provide all the right tools, mentorship, and training to entrepreneurs to develop and market their products.


Find a purpose for your project with our business accelerator program. We provide all the right tools, mentorship, and training to entrepreneurs to develop and market their products.


We call upon startup businesses, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other stakeholders to be a part of a farstretched business community to help and distribute enterprises with available resources.

Braindigit Academy

Braindigit Academy is a learning center for students, working professionals, entrepreneurs and from anyone who want to make, upgrade or change their career in the field of technology. We are the community of industry experts who have more than a decade long experience in respective profession.   

Programs to support emerging Young Tech Entrepreneurs


Get on the path to success by developing interpersonal interactions, entrepreneurial pursuits, and promoting a rational business mindset through our professional course. We offer hyper-focused and organized lesson plans to help you streamline your paths to success.


Get acquainted with the opportunity to plan out an innovative working life. We groom you to be a leader in all business verticals from design conceptualization to job creation, sales, business operations, and customer relationship management.


Develop a sound business concept by enrolling in our community programs for entrepreneurs. You can benefit by gaining access to basic knowledge of your business concept, improving critical and creative skills, and learn from experienced entrepreneurs within our network.


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