business power platform

Most developers favor WordPress based on its years of market presence. But the emerging batch of smart non-technical developers opts for No-Code Platforms like Contentder for easy and faster business apps development

The rise of Non-Tech Entrepreneurs

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think meaningfully about one without them talking about the other.

-Bill Gates.

The cost of launching a company is at its lowest due to abundant technological innovations. Modern technology enables businesses to sell and communicate anywhere, opening endless doors for trade opportunities. 

With no-code development platforms, anyone can aspire to take their business to the world. All you need is dedication and the zeal to succeed.


What is the benefit of becoming one of the finest 5% Non-Tech developers ?

Most businesses are founded to address problems prevalent in society. Given that the founders have the idea and desire to provide suitable answers, no-code platforms for non-technical people can in fact accelerate the work process!

It is a One Man Army

Contentder provides business solutions to non-technical people and eliminates the need for a specialized workforce to perform complex tasks. A single user can perform its drag-and-drop function to build a professional website or business application.

Reduce Development and Maintenance Cost

Build your web or mobile-based business app at significantly low rates compared to traditional coding-based programs. No-code platforms are SAAS-based. Therefore, users get dedicated support staff who ensure the seamless functioning of your business.

Realtime Self-Customization

The no-code Contentder platform is easy to use, allowing users to change the web/mobile content without technical assistance. Using the easy drag-and-drop function, you customize and save your data to register changes in real-time.

Expand your business to any territory

No-code platforms are ideal for business founders who travel frequently. With Contentder, you can make changes, refine your business website, or add/remove data to your preference. We provide cloud computation allowing our users to save and download data from any device around the world.

One Platform to manage multiple businesses

Starting a business with a no-code platform like Contentder is like hiring a complete workforce to perform several complicated technical tasks. The only difference being, our no-code tool can build web and mobile applications, e-commerce stores, news and entertainment portals, and many different professional commerce sites in no time.

You don't need to be a technical person

Contentder's no-code business application tool allows non-technical people to start their web-based business without any technical assistance. By using the drag-and-drop function, any individual can start a business by building their own website.

About the Contentder

Contentder is a Business Power Platform that allows the building of business apps with no coding knowledge. Business apps of Contentder packed with all the required features which help the business to scale with the help of easy management of data and one-click marketing tools.

An AI-enabled design of web apps helps business owners to get the properly designed data with the required fit color, font size, proper sizing and treading design which ultimately helps the business owner to get needed apps with no knowledge of coding and small-time. 

Business features help the business owner to manage the business and data with customized designs and the marketing tools enable to scale the business with digital marketing features like SEO of web apps, email marketing, social marketing.

Contentder is built to make digital transition smoother, faster and affordable for startups and SMEs. It is super easy even for non-tech people to develop a business web portals with little or no technical knowledge.

Alok Pandey

CTO, Braindigit



The development of Contentder started with simple idea to make web development process faster, easier even for SMEs.



As the development continued, we quickly realized the need of no-code engine to enable even a non-technical person to design and develop business solutions. So we moved our entire effort on developing application with no-code architecture. 



The plan for the new decade will be automation and simplifying business processes. We will adding a minimum of 5 different verticals of industries to automate using no-code engine from education, health, travel, hospitality and entertainment industries. 



The second half of the decade will be focused more on data processing for personalized business solutions with voice controlled visual aided application development along with IOT enabled device controlled engineering design. 



Technologies used


Key features

Contentder comes with unique and robust features to support businesses take a big leap in their digital transformation processes

Re-engineered to deploy software as a service

Business Data Constructor (BDC)

Manage any data dynamically and apply design for the data which need to be displayed in multiple location as well as need regular Add/Edit options

Drag and drop modules

The drag and drop function allows even non-tech people to create a professional customized feature in no time.

Inline editor

Update and edit the contents of the website in real time without being driven to a complicated web-editor.

Mega components

Contentder Mega components are the set of components which have a reach collection of designs with data which helps to build the section in no time.


Inbuilt digital marketing feature

Form Builder

Collect any type of data from the website with the help of robust form builder.

Media Manager

Helps to manage all the media for the application centrally so that no duplicity and easy to manage from one place.

Nav Manager

Helps to build SEO friendly menus with proper designs with responsive layouts.

Business Animator

All the items of Business web apps have naturally animating features enabled from core engine with provide a valued display for current training designs.

Your partner for growth

Contentder is on the lookout for partner agencies to provide business from our trade ecosystem. We provide complete web/mobile solutions and empower entrepreneurs, SMEs, and corporate enterprises through the digital process.


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