Learn from the Minds and experiences of the  Experts

We empower young minds with carefully designed training and mentorship programs in par with the latest technology trends, and enable them to join hands with the global workforce and resources to build their nation.


Why are
Tech Entrepreneurs important?

We believe that the future technology should evolve further with an all-inclusive approach comprising people of all races, gender, and nationality. By operating in various geographical locations and welcoming innovative ideas, we broaden the scope of comprehensive technopreneur culture. With our effort, we can:

Include marginalized tech groups into a common ecosystem

By including marginalized technopreneurs into a common ecosystem, we create a communal diversity. We help such individuals or groups to reach their full potential by reaching out to them and providing them with the necessary resources.


Increase the scope of technology

We are on a lookout for possibilities to present businesses with the right technology. By increasing the scope of technology, we can help tech Entrepreneurs explore further opportunities and use the right tools to increase work efficiency.


Tech education can be expensive. Considering the cost of such programs, we bring in aspiring tech leaders under our umbrella where they learn to develop, deploy, and promote their tech product in the global marketplace.


Driving workforce with ideas

Technological ideas and its proper implementation can drive the workforce to attain greater goals. This drive is necessary not only within an organization but in the community as a whole. By including technopreneurs into a comprehensive ecosystem that promotes bigger ideas, we aim to develop the work culture and the functions of the society as a whole.

Become A Tech Entrepreneur

Young and innovative minds are the need of the current hour. However the cost of technology and education forbids entrepreneurs to acquaint with the latest developments.

Provide various business software and tools

Access to on-site and virtual training

Product validation by experienced professionals

Access to on-site and virtual training


Your partner for growth

We firmly believe that collaborative operations are crucial for market survival. Thus, we envision to digitize 1 million businesses worldwide as a part of our extensive trade ecosystem. In doing so, we aim to partner with entrepreneurs be it startups or SMEs and empower them through digital mediation.

Digital events

Get access to all our upcoming events, past events, announcements, product demos, trainings and many more.

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35, 35); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); box-shadow: none;" class="event-tit Dib tMb-0 mMb-0 mMt-0 hovered ff-poppins tPb-5 Fs-20 f-weight-600 Lh-28 tFs-18 tLh-21 mFs-19 mLh-26" data-hovereffect="{&quot;bg&quot;:&quot;rgba(204, 204, 204, 0)&quot;,&quot;font&quot;:&quot;rgba(108, 165, 24,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;none&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">##eventTitle##</a></div><div data-title="Date Icon" class="evnt-st-dtIcon event-dateIcon-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date Dib tDib mDib Dn"><span class="event-date-icon fa fa-calendar Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tPr-5 mPr-5 Fs-12 Pr-0 Lh-13 Dib mLh-14 mFs-12 tLh-5 tFs-12" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-date-label Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 ff-poppins tMr-10 mMr-10 Mr-0 tPl-10 mPl-10 Pl-0 tPr-10 mPr-10 Pr-20 Dn f-weight-300" style="color: rgb(35, 35, 35);">Start Date</span></div><div data-title="Location" class="event-location-wrp com-ele Dfx tsfCol_100 tMt-0 tMb-0 msfCol_100 mMt-0 mMr-0 mMl-0 mMb-5 Mt-0 Mb-0 sfCol_100 Dib"><span class="event-location-icon fa fa-map-marker mFs-14 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tFs-14 Lh-24 tLh-30 Fs-14 mLh-21 Dib" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-location Dib mLh-24 ff-poppins Lh-25 tMt-5 Mt-0 mPr-0 mMt-0 Pl-5 Pr-0 tPr-0 tPl-5 tLh-25 mPl-10 mFs-14 f-weight-500 tFs-12 Fs-14" style="color: rgb(41, 41, 41);">##eventLocation##</span></div><div data-title="Start Month" class="event-stMonth-wrp event-month-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 tPl-0 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Pl-5 mPl-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-month event-com-month event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventMonth##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day Date" class="event-stNumDay-wrp event-numDay-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-num-day event-numDay event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventNumDay##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day" class="event-stDay-wrp event-day-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib tMt-5 mMt-5 Pr-10 Mt-5 Dn"><span class="event-day event-date-all event-com-day ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventDay##</span></div><div data-title="Start Year" class="event-stYr-wrp event-year-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-year event-date-all event-com-year ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 mPl-0 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventYear##</span></div><div data-title="Start Time" class="event-stTime-wrp event-time-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date Dib tDib mDib Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-time-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-time event-com-time event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 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tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-end-month event-com-month event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventEndMonth##</span></div><div data-title="End Day Date" class="event-endNumDay-wrp event-numDay-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Pr-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn" style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-end-numDay event-numDay event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventNumEndDay##</span></div><div data-title="End Day" class="event-endDay-wrp event-day-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dn tMt-5 mMt-5 Pr-10 Mt-5"><span class="event-end-day event-date-all event-com-day ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 mPl-0 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" 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mFs-16 mLh-24" style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48);">##eventSum##</span></div></div><div class="event-cont3 Dfx flxWrp event-cont TxAl-l Pb-0 Pt-0 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 tPl-0 sfCol_100 Pl-0 Pr-0 msfCol_100 mPt-0 mPr-0 mPb-0 mPl-0"><div data-title="Detail Button" class="event-btn-wrp com-ele TxAl-l sfCol_100 Dn"><a class="event-btn Dib ff-opensans txU Lh-14 tLh-24 mFs-13 mLh-21 f-weight-600 Mt-15 tPt-5 tPb-5 Pt-10 Pb-10 Pl-15 Pr-15 Fs-14 hovered tPl-10 tPr-10 tMt-15 tFs-14 mPt-5 mPb-5 mPl-15 mPr-15 mMt-15" style="text-decoration: none; border-radius: 0px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: rgb(31, 182, 255); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; box-shadow: none; border-color: rgb(31, 182, 255);" href="##eventLink##" data-hovereffect="{&quot;bg&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;font&quot;:&quot;rgba(255, 255, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;solid&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">View Details</a></div></div></div></div>

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