
Convert your business into On-demand Virtual Clinic

The modern lifestyle has influenced numerous heal adversities in humans. Braindigit has resorted to advanced digital technology to secure prompt and reliable healthcare solutions in collaboration with RX Health.


Tele Health: An Emerging Medical Trend

Our demand for on-demand healthcare has caused a surge in telehealth services. At present, it is the primary alternative, ensuring quick and reliable medical services at a time of need.

Braindigit powered RX Health is a prime medical assistance provider that answers your medical emergencies and also registers your medical records to help access your past reports.


Our Role in the Medical Sector

COVID-19 caused the global economy to go on a complete standstill. But parallelly, it has helped businesses realize the need for a digital revolution. In this time and age, tech-dependency has risen to the maximum. 

Connecting Patients with Doctors Around the Globe

We are a broad network of doctors, physicians, and health workers from all over the world. By being a part of our telehealth network, you can benefit from referrals to specialized doctors to tend to your medical needs.

Exclusive Consultation

Our telehealth system makes remote patient monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment possible. All you need to do is register your clinical information like x-rays, lab reports, and other health related documents for exclusive consultation from doctors within our network.

Monitoring Patients from Remote Location

Our digital system allows health workers to follow-up with patients from any location around the world. We help patients to stay updated about their health status, enabling them to take an active role in their care while reducing their stay in the hospital.

Remote Patient Care

Telehealth is crucial in a country like Nepal, where most health workers are clustered in central regions. Our system comprises advanced online technology, creating an all-inclusive telehealth system that enables all functions through your smartphone.


With advanced technologies, our telehealth system makes remote patient monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment possible. All you need to do is register clinical information like x-rays, lab reports, and similar reports for our doctors to study.


Our doctors and health workers can follow-up with patients through the system. Telemonitoring empowers patients to stay updated about their health status, thus allowing them to take an active role in their care while reducing their stay in the hospital.

Digitizing Healthcare Sector in collaboration with 
Rx Healthcare

RX Healthcare is a Nepal-based telehealth startup looking to change the healthcare perspective through digital assistance. We aim to increase access to healthcare services by reaching out to more people and offering services at quicker mobility.

We aim to increase efficiency in the medical sector by incorporating modern digital technology to connect patients with doctors and health facilities. This digital outlook for healthcare services enables patients to record their medical history, get prescriptions, receive remote consultation and monitoring.


Our mission to digitize Health sector of Nepal and make medical assistant accessible to all parts of Nepal at very affordable rate. 


Brijesh Shrestha

CEO, Rx Healthcare

Join our Network of Healthcare Personnels

We are a digital platform that connects patients with healthcare personnel including, doctors, physicians, nurses, consultants, and institutions. Register with us to access your reach amid a digital mass of service seekers from all parts of the world.



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