
Together we achieve more, become our partner

Braindigit recognizes the void in the tech distribution process,
and thus encourages young innovators, and creators to pursue
technology as a career.

Let's Work Together For Growth

Young and innovative minds are the need of the current hour. However the cost of technology and education forbids entrepreneurs to acquaint with the latest developments.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.

We value our
partners as much as
we value our 


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.


We extend our support to emerging startups with proper consulting, training, and by offering affordable technical solutions that will help them streamline their business operations.

Events from our

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<div class="event-item-wrp Dfx flxWrp tsfCol_100 sfCol_100 msfCol_100" data-isallday="##isAllDay##" data-sameday="##sameDay##"><div class="event-item Dfx flxWrp mMb-20 Pl--5 Pl--10 mMl-0 mMr-0 TxAl-c Mt-0 tMt-0 tTxAl-t Ml-15 Mr-15 mMt-0 TxAl-t Pt-0 Pr-0 Pb-0 Pl-0 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 tPl-0 tMb-25 tMl-5 tMr-5 mPt-0 mPr-0 mPb-0 mPl-0 Mb-30" style="width: 100%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 0px; border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgba(221, 221, 221, 0.34); align-self: stretch;"><div class="event-cont1 Dfx flxWrp event-cont Pt-0 Pr-0 Pb-0 Pl-0 TxAl-l TxAl-t sfCol_40 msfCol_100 tsfCol_100"><div class="event-img-wrp com-ele TxAl-c Dib tDib mDib fit-image ofH H-211 sfCol_100 tsfCol_100 tH-200" data-title="Image" style="display: block; border-radius: 0px;"><a href="##eventLink##"><img style="width: 100%;" src="##eventImg##" class="H-211 tH-200"></a></div><div data-title="Event Type" class="event-cat-wrp com-ele Mb-0 tMb-0 mMb-0 MtN-35 tMtN-30 mMtN-30 Dib"><span class="event-cat Dib txU ff-poppins Lh-25 tMt-0 tMr-0 tMb-0 tMl-0 mPt-0 mPb-0 Pt-5 Pb-5 Pr-15 Pl-15 tFs-14 tPt-0 tPb-0 tPl-10 tPr-10 tLh-30 mFs-13 mPl-5 mPr-5 mLh-30 Fs-12 f-weight-500" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); border-radius: 0px;">##eventType##</span></div></div><div class="event-cont2 Dfx flxWrp event-cont TxAl-l Ml-0 Mt-0 tMt-0 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 mMt-0 mPr-0 mPb-0 mPl-0 sfCol_60 TxAl-t Pl-25 msfCol_100 mPt-10 Pr-15 Pt-10 Pb-10 tsfCol_100 tPl-0" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(255, 187, 0); border-radius: 0px;"><div data-title="Title" class="event-tit-wrp com-ele sfCol_100 mPb-10 mMt-10 mMb-10 Mb-10 Mt-5 Pb-10 tMb-10 tPb-0 tMt-10" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 0px 0px 2px; border-color: rgb(255, 187, 0) rgb(255, 187, 0) rgb(108, 165, 24);"><a href="##eventLink##" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(26, 26, 26); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); box-shadow: none; border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="event-tit Dib tMb-0 mMb-0 mMt-0 hovered mFs-24 mLh-33 ff-poppins tPb-5 Fs-20 f-weight-600 Lh-28 tFs-18 tLh-28" data-hovereffect="{&quot;bg&quot;:&quot;rgba(204, 204, 204, 0)&quot;,&quot;font&quot;:&quot;rgba(108, 165, 24,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;none&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">##eventTitle##</a></div><div data-title="Date Icon" class="evnt-st-dtIcon event-dateIcon-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date Dib tDib mDib Dn"><span class="event-date-icon fa fa-calendar mFs-13 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tPr-5 mPr-5 tLh-16 Pr-0 Dib mLh-14 tFs-16 Fs-16 Lh-22" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-date-label tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 ff-poppins tMr-10 mMr-10 Mr-0 tPl-10 mPl-10 Pl-0 tPr-10 mPr-10 Pr-20 Dn f-weight-300 tMt-0 Fs-13" style="color: rgb(35, 35, 35);">Start Date</span></div><div data-title="Location" class="event-location-wrp com-ele Dfx tsfCol_100 msfCol_100 mMt-0 mMr-0 mMl-0 mMb-5 Mt-0 Mb-0 sfCol_100 Dib tMb-5 tMt-5"><span class="event-location-icon fa fa-map-marker Dib mFs-14 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 Lh-24 mLh-21 tFs-16 tMt-5 tLh-22 Fs-16" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-location Dib mLh-24 ff-poppins tMt-5 Mt-0 mPr-0 mMt-0 Pl-5 Pr-0 tPr-0 tPl-5 mPl-10 mFs-14 f-weight-500 tFs-14 tLh-24 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(41, 41, 41);">##eventLocation##</span></div><div data-title="Start Month" class="event-stMonth-wrp event-month-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 tPl-0 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Pl-5 mPl-5"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-month event-com-month event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventMonth##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day Date" class="event-stNumDay-wrp event-numDay-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-num-day event-numDay event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventNumDay##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day" class="event-stDay-wrp event-day-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5"><span class="event-day event-date-all event-com-day ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventDay##</span></div><div data-title="Start Year" class="event-stYr-wrp event-year-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5"><span class="event-year event-date-all event-com-year ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 mPl-0 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventYear##</span></div><div data-title="Start Time" class="event-stTime-wrp event-time-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date Dib tDib mDib"><span class="event-time-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-time event-com-time event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventTime##</span></div><div data-title="Date Separator" class="event-dateSepr-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date Dn"><span class="event-date-sepr Dib mFs-13 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tPr-5 mPr-5 tLh-16 Pr-0 Lh-13 Fs-1 tFs-16" style="color: rgb(108, 165, 24);"> - </span></div><div data-title="Date Icon" class="event-end-dticon event-dateIcon-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date Dn"><span class="event-date-icon fa fa-calendar mFs-13 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tPr-5 mPr-5 tLh-16 Pr-0 Dib mLh-14 tFs-16 Fs-16 Lh-22" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-date-label tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 ff-poppins tMr-10 mMr-10 Mr-0 tPl-10 mPl-10 Pl-0 tPr-10 mPr-10 Pr-20 Dn f-weight-300 tMt-0 Fs-13" style="color: rgb(35, 35, 35);">End Date</span></div><div data-title="End Month" class="event-endMonth-wrp event-month-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 tPl-0 Pr-5 Pl-5 mPl-5 Dn"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-end-month event-com-month event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventEndMonth##</span></div><div data-title="End Day Date" class="event-endNumDay-wrp event-numDay-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Pr-5"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn" style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-end-numDay event-numDay event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 tPl-0 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventNumEndDay##</span></div><div data-title="End Day" class="event-endDay-wrp event-day-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Pr-5 Dn"><span class="event-end-day event-date-all event-com-day ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 mPl-0 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventEndDay##</span></div><div data-title="End Year" class="event-endYr-wrp event-year-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Pr-5"><span class="event-end-year event-date-all event-com-year ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventEndYear##</span></div><div data-title="End Time" class="event-endTime-wrp event-time-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m end_event_date Dn"><span class="event-time-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn" style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-end-time event-com-time event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 mFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-24" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventEndTime##</span></div><div data-title="Summary" class="event-sum-wrp com-ele sfCol_100 Mb-0 mMb-0 tMb-0 tMt-10 Mt-5 mMt-10 Dib"><span class="event-sum Dib ff-poppins mFs-15 mLh-23 mMt-0 tFs-16 tLh-26 Fs-16 Lh-26 f-weight-400 LtrSpc-0" style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48);">##eventSum##</span></div></div><div class="event-cont3 Dfx flxWrp event-cont TxAl-l Pb-0 Pt-0 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 tPl-0 sfCol_100 Pl-0 Pr-0 msfCol_100 mPt-0 mPr-0 mPb-0 mPl-0"><div data-title="Detail Button" class="event-btn-wrp com-ele TxAl-l sfCol_100 Dn"><a class="event-btn Dib ff-opensans txU Lh-14 tLh-24 mFs-13 mLh-21 f-weight-600 Mt-15 tPt-5 tPb-5 Pt-10 Pb-10 Pl-15 Pr-15 Fs-14 hovered tPl-10 tPr-10 tMt-15 tFs-14 mPt-5 mPb-5 mPl-15 mPr-15 mMt-15" style="text-decoration: none; border-radius: 0px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: rgb(31, 182, 255); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; box-shadow: none; border-color: rgb(31, 182, 255);" href="##eventLink##" data-hovereffect="{&quot;bg&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;font&quot;:&quot;rgba(255, 255, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;solid&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">View Details</a></div></div></div></div>

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