
The culture at Braindigit has always been to cultivate a learning environment that supports innovation and agility.

Professional Courses

Braindigit conducts career guidance programs targeted towards creating future tech leaders.

Internship Program

We have a provision for fresh graduates to learn by being a part of a professional working network.

Community Programs

We reach out to young & professional innovators with advanced learning opportunities.

What is Braindigit Academy?

Braindigit Academy is a learning center for students, working professionals, entrepreneurs and from anyone who want to make, upgrade or change their career in the field of technology. We are the community of industry experts who have more than a decade long experience in respective profession. 


How is it useful for you?

Be a part of a resource community to exceed in career and knowledge growth.

Get on-demand access to tech-related courses from your smartphone. All courses are prepared by top instructors and industry experts with years of experience in the tech industry.

Our courses are designed to help you succeed in your trade endeavors. Braindigit Academy's courses ensure that you understand the present-day needs and future trends of the tech sector.

You do not need prior experience or market expertise to enroll in our courses. All you need is the zeal to learn and create a digital impact on society.

We conduct virtual and on-site classes at competitive rates. Our aim is to bring tech enthusiasts onto a common scholarly platform to make tech education easily accessible.

The tech industry is rapidly evolving. To keep up with the fast-changing trends, we upgrade our content with updates and familiarize our learners about these developments.

Braindigit Academy does not only prepare courses for students but also provides them a platform to collaborate as a contributor. 

Internship Program

Braindigit offers its interns a platform to build a sturdy career by sharing insightful information and onsite job experience. Join us to create an impact on the tech, marketing, or operational workforce.


Internship Programs


Are you passionate about technology but busy in your study and want a short trial to taste the tech field. This program is for you. 
Join Now !! 

Starting from April 1, 2021


You are 100% sure that you want to make your career in technology field but don't have any working experience. This program is for you to feel the professional work environment. 

April - June 2021


We are always looking for energetic, passionate and  self-motivated Interns to join our team. If you think you have those Skills that we are looking for then Join Us !!

Can Apply anytime


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