Working Methodology

We have developed Bgile to better understand the project
requirements in detail and streamline our work to deliver the
expected business solution on time.

Business requirements

Our extensive expertise in the digital domain allows us to understand and build business applications that address your needs. Based on market surveys, we provide you with the necessary tools to ensure flawless operations.


Identify the project

Our first step is to identify your project requirements. We conduct in-depth analysis of your business/project in order to address your needs, and reduce friction by bringing precision in our workflow.


Conduct a feasibility analysis 
with team

Our sales and marketing team then presents your project to the development and engineering team leads. Together, they look into different possibilities to approach and execute your project. 


Determine the tentative timeline and costing, seal the deal

Our project managers, team leads, and sales and marketing team then discuss your requirements, the complexity of the project, and tentative timeline to finish the project before signing an MOU agreed by both parties. 

Project management

Efficient project management is at the core of our development process. Our team members are designated with skill-specific tasks to guarantee top quality solutions for your business and operational needs.


Project Planning

Project planning allows us to use schedules to plan and follow the prescribed timeline for specific projects. It subsequently enables employees to report progress within the project environment.


>   Requirement analysis

We analyze and deploy resources to conduct projects as per user expectations and requirements.


>   Solution design

The team leads and project managers design solutions to assign them to skilled developers.


Sprint Planning

With a pre-planned sprint, we determine the goals and objectives, and find solutions to achieve them. The sprint planning is done in collaboration with the whole scrum team.

> Release Planning

Release planning allows us to implement longer-term planning. It answers questions regarding the timeline, features, cost, and scope of the project among others.

> Iterative development

Iterative development helps us break down the software development of a large application into smaller parts. In iterative development, we design codes, develop your project, and repeat tests in many cycles.


Customer feedback

We value customer feedback and find ways to address each of your suggestions for better functioning of your business and/or organization.  


> Customer Review

Before final deployment, each product is sent to its respective owners for review. Based on the client's suggestions and discussions with the development team, changes are made before handing over the project.


> Process improvement

We stay in loop of report the progress of the project. In this process, we run a series of tests before submitting the final product.

Implementation and support

Our implementation and support specialists ensure that the clients get positive experience and growth from the use of our product. We talk with clients, collect data, customize features, define objectives and provide training sessions.



The deployment process includes running the product on the server and ensuring they run parallelly on assigned devices.  



We provide in-depth training to provide necessary operational information to the product operators.


Customer support

Our customer support team provides technical assistance even after the final dispatching of the product. 

Key factors
we consider for every project


Extensible architecture

We engineer products to provide extensible architecture. The internal structure and dataflow of our products are minimally or not affected by new or modified functionality.


Quality Assurance

Our qualified quality assurance team takes all measures to ensure that products and services meet the established standards set by the company.


Customer centric design

We discuss the client's requirements and run multiple reviews to provide a product and a corresponding design that addresses their specific needs.


Security at core

All our products incorporate the latest security updates. This prevents your product from harmful malware and prohibits unauthorized access into the system.


Premium Support

Find top-quality support from our customer support team in case you encounter technical difficulty. We will get back to you within one working day.


Affordable Cost

The prices of our products and services are affordable. We aim to digitize the conventional work process and thus function to provide quality products at competitive prices.


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