
Custom web & mobile app development

Build your custom web and mobile apps with the latest features from our expert designers. We embrace change and deliver top-line applications at just a fraction of the price.


Contentder is built to make digital transition smoother, faster and affordable for startups and SMEs. It is super easy even for non-tech people to develop a business web portals with little or no technical knowledge.

Alok Pandey

CTO, Braindigit

Full fledged service we can offer


Project Architecture

We provide the project architecture of your custom web and mobile application providing you the true mechanism that determines how your application components communicate.


Graphic & UI design

We understand and comply with the importance of quality graphic and UI design. Braindigit has a team of expert designers who provide detailed imagery to your concept.


eCommerce development

Take your business to the global platform with Braindigit's eCommerce services. Our eCommerce services are highly targeted allowing you to present your product/services to your target customers.


Support & Maintenance

We are available to answer your tech queries and solve problems round the clock. Get instant help from our dedicated experts to guide you through any obstacles. Just email us or have a chat.


Digital Marketing

We help our clients connect with their prospective companies worldwide. In this process, we create brand awareness, promote products, and increase online presence by reassessing and improving your digital content. We design unique content combined with extensive SEO, online advertising, and promotion strategy, ensuring your business growth.

Some of the Companies we've worked with

Working Methodology

Bgile is the new and customized form of Agile developed by Braindigit for its development team. We implement BGILE work process to ensure our assigned services meet their deadlines and are in par with our company standards. 

Technologies we use

Our developers are experts in numerous technologies and update their skillset to adapt to constant change. As a result, Braindigit delivers above the par products utilizing the best technologies to suit your needs.


Simple Pricing plans


Suitable for Starters looking to start a new business or young entrepreneurs looking to test some business idea.

Starting from 
USD 1000/month


Our Business package helps make your product or services to your target audience.

Starting from 
USD 2500/month


Suitable for established corporate enterprises that want to keep their audience in a loop about new products and schemes.

Starting from
USD 5000/month


Do you have special needs for your application? We can build an efficient web/mobile application according to your needs.



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