Empowering Entrepreneurs 
Through Digitization

Creating an ecosystem of innovative business solutions for startups, SMEs and emerging young technopreneurs that are simple yet scalable and affordable.

Go Digital, Go Online

COVID-19 caused the global economy to go on a complete standstill. But parallelly, it has helped businesses realize the need for a digital revolution. 

In this time and age, tech-dependency has risen to the maximum. Our lives run based on the touch of smartphone screens. In such a high-tech world, businesses are bound to get left behind if they do not seek a digital alternative. It’s high time for businesses to implement the latest digital technology to cater to a global audience witnessing rapid digitization. 

Braindigit provides fitting solutions for your business to connect with the digital world.


Before, we had a simple traditional website but after consulting and working with Braindigit, we have been able to completely transform and revamp our old website. Besides, their support service is also very quick and responsive.

Utsav Karmarcharya

Assistant Manager (Marketing), Amtrade

Our Services

Braindigit provides end-to-end digitization services to Startups, SMEs, corporate enterprises and Government level organizations. 

Connect, promote, and sell your products and services online.

Introduce your business and brand with web and mobile applications.

Streamline business operations across the organization.

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MtN-35 Dib"><span class="event-cat Dib txU ff-poppins Lh-25 tMt-0 tMr-0 tMb-0 tMl-0 mPt-0 mPb-0 Pt-5 Pb-5 Pr-15 Pl-15 tFs-14 tPt-0 tPb-0 tPl-10 tPr-10 tLh-30 mFs-13 mPl-5 mPr-5 mLh-30 Fs-12 f-weight-600" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.776); border-radius: 0px;">##eventType##</span></div></div><div class="event-cont2 Dfx flxWrp event-cont TxAl-l Ml-0 Mt-0 mMt-0 mPr-0 mPb-0 mPl-0 sfCol_60 TxAl-t Pl-25 msfCol_100 mPt-10 Pr-15 Pt-10 Pb-10 tsfCol_100 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 tPl-0 tMt-10" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(255, 187, 0); border-radius: 0px;"><div data-title="Title" class="event-tit-wrp com-ele sfCol_100 mPb-10 mMt-10 mMb-10 Pb-10 Mt-0 Mb-10 tPt-0 tPr-0 tPb-0 tPl-0 tMr-0 tMl-0 tMt-10 tMb-10" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 0px 0px 2px; border-color: rgb(255, 187, 0) rgb(255, 187, 0) rgb(108, 165, 24);"><a href="##eventLink##" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(35, 35, 35); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-style: none; border-width: 0px; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); box-shadow: none;" class="event-tit Dib tMb-0 mMb-0 mMt-0 hovered ff-poppins tPb-5 Fs-20 f-weight-600 Lh-28 tFs-18 tLh-21 mFs-19 mLh-26" data-hovereffect="{&quot;bg&quot;:&quot;rgba(204, 204, 204, 0)&quot;,&quot;font&quot;:&quot;rgba(108, 165, 24,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;none&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">##eventTitle##</a></div><div data-title="Date Icon" class="evnt-st-dtIcon event-dateIcon-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date Dib tDib mDib Dn"><span class="event-date-icon fa fa-calendar Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tPr-5 mPr-5 Fs-12 Pr-0 Lh-13 Dib mLh-14 mFs-12 tLh-5 tFs-12" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-date-label Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 ff-poppins tMr-10 mMr-10 Mr-0 tPl-10 mPl-10 Pl-0 tPr-10 mPr-10 Pr-20 Dn f-weight-300" style="color: rgb(35, 35, 35);">Start Date</span></div><div data-title="Location" class="event-location-wrp com-ele Dfx tsfCol_100 tMt-0 tMb-0 msfCol_100 mMt-0 mMr-0 mMl-0 mMb-5 Mt-0 Mb-0 sfCol_100 Dib"><span class="event-location-icon fa fa-map-marker mFs-14 Mr-0 tMr-0 mMr-0 tFs-14 Lh-24 tLh-30 Fs-14 mLh-21 Dib" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);"></span><span class="event-location Dib mLh-24 ff-poppins Lh-25 tMt-5 Mt-0 mPr-0 mMt-0 Pl-5 Pr-0 tPr-0 tPl-5 tLh-25 mPl-10 mFs-14 f-weight-500 tFs-12 Fs-14" style="color: rgb(41, 41, 41);">##eventLocation##</span></div><div data-title="Start Month" class="event-stMonth-wrp event-month-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 tPl-0 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Pl-5 mPl-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-month event-com-month event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventMonth##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day Date" class="event-stNumDay-wrp event-numDay-wrp com-ele Dfx TxAl-m start_event_date tPr-5 mPr-5 Dib tDib mDib Pr-5 Mt-5 tMt-5 mMt-5 Dn"><span class="event-month-icon fa fa-calendar Dib Fs-13 tFs-13 mFs-13 Lh-15 Mr-5 Dn " style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></span><span class="event-num-day event-numDay event-date-all ff-poppins tLh-18 mLh-18 tFs-14 f-weight-400 Fs-14 Lh-26 mFs-14" style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65);">##eventNumDay##</span></div><div data-title="Start Day" class="event-stDay-wrp 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255,1)&quot;,&quot;box&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;off&quot;,&quot;hl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;vl&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;br&quot;:&quot;0px&quot;,&quot;c&quot;:&quot;#000&quot;,&quot;i&quot;:&quot;false&quot;},&quot;border&quot;:{&quot;on&quot;:&quot;solid&quot;,&quot;top&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;right&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;bottom&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:&quot;1px&quot;,&quot;tc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;rc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;bc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;,&quot;lc&quot;:&quot;rgba(31, 182, 255,1)&quot;},&quot;zoom&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;delay&quot;:0}" hovered-mousein="out">View Details</a></div></div></div></div>

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We firmly believe that collaborative operations are crucial for market survival. Thus, we envision to digitize 1 million businesses worldwide as a part of our extensive trade ecosystem. In doing so, we aim to partner with entrepreneurs be it startups or SMEs and empower them through digital mediation.



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E-commerce store owners and customers are the two sides of an intricate virtual trade system. Both aspects of the s...
The absence of the physical aspect of shopping makes digital trade unique. It gives e-commerce a set of exclusive o...
Time and time again, we have discussed how businesses can benefit from their digital trade platform. While e-commer...
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